[Func-Num] 8.6 Graphs of Sin and Cos

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📋 This is my note-taking from what I learned in the class “Math175-002 Functions & Number Systems”

Graphs of “y = a sin(bx + c)” and “y = a cos(bx + c)”

  1. Amplitude
    ymax = |a|
    ymin = -|a|
  2. Period → P = 2π/b
    P/4 = step on x-axis (five x values needed on x-axis to have graph for one period)
  3. Shift or Displacement = -c/b
    -c/b = Starting x value (c is called phase angle)

Note: You must have your Calculator on Radians


Example 1: Sketching graph of “y = a sin(bx + c)”

Sketch the graph y = 2 sin(3x - π).

a = 2 Amplitude = ymax = |a| = 2, ymin = -|a| = -2
b = 3 Period(cycle) = P = 2π/b = 2π/3, P/4 = 2π/12 = π/6 = Step on x-axis
c = -π Shift(Displacement) = -c/b = -(-π)/3 = π/3 = Starting x value on x-axis
x starts at π/3 and have five values on x-axis at a step = π/6  

Sample Calculation: Calculator on Radians

  • x = π/3 → y = 2 sin(3(π/3)-π) = 0
x \({π} \over {3}\) \({π} \over {2}\) \({2π} \over {3}\) \({5π} \over {6}\) π
y 0 2 0 -2 0


Example 2: Sketching graph of “y = a cos(bx + c)”

Sketch the graph y = -cos(2x + π/6).

a = -1 Amplitude = ymax = |a| = 1, ymin = -|a| = -1
b = 2 Period(cycle) = P = 2π/b = 2π/2 = π, P/4 = π/4 = Step on x-axis
c = π/6 Shift(Displacement) = -c/b = -(π/6)/2 = -π/12 = Starting x value on x-axis
x starts at -π/12 and have five values on x-axis at a step = π/4  

Sample Calculation: Calculator on Radians

  • x = -π/12 → y = -cos(2(-π/12) + π/6) = -1
x \({-π} \over {12}\) \({π} \over {6}\) \({5π} \over {12}\) \({2π} \over {3}\) \({11π} \over {12}\)
y -1 0 1 0 -1



Exercise 1

For the function below:

  • a) What is amplitude , ymax and ymin.
  • b) What is the period?
  • c) What is the shift (horizontal)?
  • d) Graph one period and show values at 1/4th of the period, the shift and the amplitude.

y = sin(x - π/6)


Exercise 2

For the function below:

  • a) What is amplitude , ymax and ymin.
  • b) What is the period?
  • c) What is the shift (horizontal)?
  • d) Graph one period and show values at 1/4th of the period, the shift and the amplitude.

y = -cos(2x - π)


Exercise 3

For the function below:

  • a) What is amplitude , ymax and ymin.
  • b) What is the period?
  • c) What is the shift (horizontal)?
  • d) Graph one period and show values at 1/4th of the period, the shift and the amplitude.



Exercise 4

For the function below:

  • a) What is amplitude , ymax and ymin.
  • b) What is the period?
  • c) What is the shift (horizontal)?
  • d) Graph one period and show values at 1/4th of the period, the shift and the amplitude.



Exercise 5

For the function below:

  • a) What is amplitude , ymax and ymin.
  • b) What is the period?
  • c) What is the shift (horizontal)?
  • d) Graph one period and show values at 1/4th of the period, the shift and the amplitude.



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