[Func-Num] 4.4 The Common Computer-Oriented Base Conversions

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📋 This is my note-taking from what I learned in the class “Math175-002 Functions & Number Systems”

Base Converter Calculator

Some Decimal Equivalents in the Common Computer-Oriented Bases

(Use Table to Convert Between Hexadecimal/Binary/Octal)

conversion table

Example 1: Converting from Octal to Binary

Convert 473eight to binary form. Each Octal digit is represented by 3 Binary digits


Octal 4 7 3
Binary 100 111 011

473eight = 100111011two


Convert 514eight to binary form.


Octal 5 1 4
Binary 101 001 100

514eight = 101001100two

Example 2: Converting from Binary to Octal

Convert 10011110two to octal form


Binary (0)10 011 110
Octal 2 3 6

(0)10 011 110two = 236eight


Convert 1101111two to Octal form.


Binary (00)1 101 111
Octal 1 5 7

(00)1 101 111two = 157eight

Example 3: Converting from Hexadecimal to Binary

Convert 8B4Fsixteen to binary form.


Each hexadecimal digit yields a 4-digit binary equivalent.

Hexadecimal 8 B 4 F
Binary 1000 1011 0100 1111

8B4Fsixteen = 1000101101001111two


Convert EBD9sixteen to binary form.


Hexadecimal E B D 9
Binary 1110 1011 1101 1001

EBD9sixteen = 1110 1011 1101 1001two

Example 4: Converting from Binary to Hexadecimal

Convert 10011110two to hexadecimal form.


Binary 1001 1110
Hexadecimal 9 E

1001 1110two = 9Esixteen


Convert (0)1101111two to Hexadecimal form.


Binary (0)110 1111
Hexadecimal 6 F

(0)1101111two = 6Fsixteen


Section 4.4: 5 ~ 47 (odd)

List the first twenty counting numbers in each base.

How to count the Number Bases

  • 5: seven (Only digits 0 through 6 are used in base seven.) → 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
  • 7: nine (Only digits 0 through 8 are used.) → 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21

Write (in the same base) the counting numbers just before and just after the given number. (Do not convert to base ten.)

Determine, in each base, the least and greatest four-digit numbers and their decimal equivalents.

How to get the least and greatest numbers and decimal 1
How to get the least and greatest numbers and decimal 2

  • 13: five → the least: 10005 → 12510, the greatest: 44445 → 62410

Convert each number to decimal form by expanding in powers and by using the calculator shortcut.

  • 15: 3BCsixteen → 956
  • 17: 2356seven → 874
  • 19: 70266eight → 28854
  • 21: 2023four → 139
  • 23: 31544six → 4312

Convert each number from decimal form to the given base.

  • 25: 147 to base sixteen → 9316
  • 27: 36401 to base five → 21311015
  • 29: 587 to base two → 10010010112
  • 31: 9346 to base six → 1111346
  • 33: 8407 to base three → 1021121013

Make each conversion as indicated.

  • 35: 43five to base seven → 327
  • 37: 6748nine to base four → 10313214

Convert each number from octal form to binary form.

  • 39: 367eight → 111101112

Convert each number from binary form to octal form.

  • 41: 100110111two → 4678

Make each conversion as indicated.

  • 43: ACsixteen to binary → 101011002
  • 45: 101101two to hexadecimal → 2D16

Identify the greatest number from each list.

  • 47: 42seven, 37eight, 1Dsixteen → 37eight

e-Centennial Supplement pages 5 and 6 All. (Answers page: 13)


In problems 1~10, Convert each binary number to a decimal number

  • 1: 11 → 3
  • 2: 10 → 2
  • 3: 100 → 4
  • 4: 111 → 7
  • 5: 1110 → 14
  • 6: 1001 → 9
  • 7: 10001 → 17
  • 8: 10101 → 21
  • 9: 110011 → 51
  • 10: 100100 → 36

In problems 11~20, Convert each decimal number to a binary number

  • 11: 4 → 100
  • 12: 6 → 110
  • 13: 11 → 1011
  • 14: 27 → 11011
  • 15: 57 → 111001
  • 16: 63 → 111111
  • 17: 99 → 1100011
  • 18: 111 → 1101111
  • 19: 128 → 10000000
  • 20: 200 → 11001000


Change each hexadecimal number to binary format: (Convert each hexadecimal digit to 4-bit binary)

  • 1: C4DE → 1100010011011110
  • 2: AF → 10101111
  • 3: 456B → 100010101101011

Change each binary number to hexadecimal format: (Obtain each hexadecimal digit from the corresponding 4-bit binary segment)

  • 4: 100011010111101 → 46BD
  • 5: 1110111100001 → 1DE1
  • 6: 100101110 → 12E

Write each hexadecimal number in expanded notation, and evaluate its decimal equivalent:

Expanded notation

  • 7: 5E0 →

    (5 * 162) + (14 * 161) + (0 * 160)
    = 1280 + 224 + 0 = 1504
    → Decimal equivalent: 1504

  • 8: D0C9A →

    (13 * 164) + (0 * 163) + (12 * 162) + (9 * 161) + (10 * 160)
    = 851968 + 3072 + 144 + 10 = 855194
    → Decimal equivalent: 855194

  • 9: 1BEF →

    (1 * 163) + (11 * 162) + (14 * 161) + (15 * 160)
    = 4096 + 2816 + 224 + 15 = 7151
    → Decimal equivalent: 7151

Use your calculator to convert each decimal number to hexadecimal form:

  • 10: 700492 → AB04C
  • 11: 32557 → 7F2D
  • 12: 51966 → CAFE
  • 13: 57007 → DEAF
  • 14: 3243 → CAB
  • 15: 47806 → BABE

Convert the following decimal numbers to binary form: (Hint: You will find that the numbers are too large for a 10-digit calculator to convert to binary mode, but you can use your calculator to change from decimal to hexadecimal, and then convert the answers from hexadecimal to binary as in questions 1-3)

  • 16: 56789 → 1101110111010101
  • 17: 987 → 1111011011
  • 18: 3030 → 101111010110

Convert the binary numbers to decimal form: (Hint: Change them by hand to hexadecimal from, as in questions 4-6 and then use your calculator to convert from hexadecimal to decimal)

  • 19: 110100011011100 → 26844
  • 20: 101111011111101 → 24317

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