[Func-Num] 6.4 Irrational Numbers and Decimal Representation

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📋 This is my note-taking from what I learned in the class “Math175-002 Functions & Number Systems”


  1. Illustrate how irrational numbers differ from rational numbers in their decimal representations
  2. Follow the proof that sqrt 2 is an irrational number
  3. Use a calculator to find square roots
  4. Apply the product and quotient rules for square roots
  5. Rationalize a denominator
  6. Explain the relevance of the irrational numbers such as the Golden Ratio, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and a constant approximately equal to 2.71828

Definition and Basic Concepts

  • Every rational number has a decimal form that terminates or repeats, and every repeating or terminating decimal represents a rational number
  • However, there are numbers that do not terminate and do not repeat → We call this “Irrational Numbers”

Irrational Numbers

Irrational numbers = { \({x \over x}\) is a number represented by a nonrepeating, non-terminating decimal}
→ As the name implies, an irrational number cannot be represented as a quotient of integers

  • E.g. root, the Golden Ratio, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and a constant approximately equal to 2.71828 …

Irrationality of root 2 and Proof by Contradiction

The proof that root 2 is irrational is a classic example of a proof by contradiction. We begin by assuming that root 2 is rational, which leads to a contradiction, or absurdity. The method is also called reductio ad absurdum (Latin for “reduce to the absurd”). In order to understand the proof, we consider three preliminary facts:

  1. When a rational number is written in lowest terms, the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is 1.
  2. If an integer is even, then it has 2 as a factor and may be written in the form 2k, where k is an integer.
  3. If a perfect square is even, then its square root is even.


Operations with Square Roots

  • Recall that \(\sqrt{a}\) , for a >= 0, is the nonnegative number whose square is a
  • That is, {(\(\sqrt{a}\))}^2 = a
  • Examples of square roots that are irrational: \(\sqrt{2}\), \(\sqrt{3}\), and \(\sqrt{13}\)

  • Examples of square roots that are rational: \(\sqrt{4}\) = 2, \(\sqrt{36}\) = 6, and \(\sqrt{100}\) = 10

  • If n is a positive integer that is not the square of an integer, then 2n is an irrational number.
  • A calculator with a square root key can give approximations of square roots of numbers that are not perfect squares.
  • We use the ≈ symbol to indicate “is approximately equal to.”
  • Sometimes, for convenience, the = symbol is used even if the statement is actually one of approximation, such as pi = 3.14.

Product Rule for Square Roots

For nonnegative real numbers a and b, the following holds true

\(\sqrt{a}\) * \(\sqrt{b}\) = \(\sqrt{a*b}\)

Conditions for a Simplified Square Root Radical

Just as every rational number \({a \over b}\) can be written in lowest terms (by using the fundamental property of rational numbers), every square root radical has a simplified form

A square root radical is in simplified form if the following three conditions are met:

  1. The number under the radical (radicand) has no factor (except 1) that is a perfect square
  2. The radicand has no fractions
  3. No denominator contains a radical

Quotient Rule for Square Roots

For nonnegative real numbers a and positive real numbers b, the following holds true

\({\sqrt{a} \over \sqrt{b}}\) = \({\sqrt{\) {a \over b} \(}}\)

Adding and Subtracting Square Root Radicals

  • Square root radicals may be combined, however, if they have the same radicand. Such radicals are called like radicals. We add (and subtract) like radicals using the distributive property.
  • Like radicals may be added or subtracted by adding or subtracting their coef-ficients (the numbers by which they are multiplied) and keeping the same radical.


Section 6.4: 7 ~ 19 (odd)

Identify each number as rational or irrational

  • 7: 4/9 → rational
  • 9: root 10 → irrational
  • 11: 1.618 → rational
  • 13: 0.41 (repeating 41) → rational
  • 15: Pi → irrational
  • 17: 3.14159 → rational
  • 19: 0.878778777877778… → irrational

Section 6.4: 23 ~ 29 (odd)

Use a calculator to find a rational decimal approximation for each irrational number

  • 23: root 39 → 6.244 997 998 4
  • 25: root 15.1 → 3.885 871 845 55
  • 27: root 884 → 29.732 137 494 6
  • 29: root 9/8 → 1.060 660 171 78

Section 6.4: 49 ~ 67 (odd)

Use the methods of Examples 3 and 4 to simplify each expression. Then, use a calculator to approximate both the given expression and the simplified expression. (Both should be the same.)

  • 49: root 50 → 5(root 2) → 7.071 067 811 87
  • 51: root 75 → 5(root 3) → 8.660 254 037 84
  • 53: root 288 → 12(root 2) → 16.970 562 748 5
  • 55: 5/(root 6) → 5/6(root 6) → 2.041 241 452 32
  • 57: root (7/4) → (root 7)/2 → 1.322 875 655 53
  • 59: root (7/3) → (root 21)/3 → 1.527 525 231 65

Use the method of Example 5 to perform the indicated operations

  • 61: root 17 + 2(root 17) → 3(root 17)
  • 63: 5(root 7) - root 7 → 4(root 7)
  • 65: 3(root 18) + root 2 → 10(root 2)
  • 67: -(root 12) + root 75 → 3(root 3)

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