[C#] C# Additional Resources

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📋 This is my note-taking from what I learned in the c# tutorials!

  • Reference link: Taken from “Introducing Visual Studio 2010” pg. 61

C# Keywords

Category / Section Keywords
Type Keywords bool, byte, sbyte, char, class, decimal, double, float, delegate, dynamic, enum, interface, object, string, struct, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, void, var
Modifiers public, protected, private, internal, abstract, const, event, in, out, override, readonly, sealed, static, virtual
Selection Keywords if, else, switch, case, default
Iterator Keywords for, foreach, do, while
Jump Keywords break, continue, goto, return
Exception Handling Keywords try, catch, finally
Arithmetic Overflow Keywords checked, unchecked
Synchronization Keywords Lock
Parameter Keywords params, ref, out, in
Namespace Keywords namespace, using
Literal Keywords null, true, false, default
Object Keywords is, as, new, typeof
LINQ Keywords from, where, select, group, into, orderby, join, let, ascending, descending, on, equals, by, in
Other Keywords base, get, set, value, global, implicit, explicit, operator, partial, this, yield

C# Flowchart Elements



Flowlines are indicated by straight lines with optional arrows to show the direction of data flows. The arrowhead is necessary with the flow direction might be in doubt. Flowlines are used to connect blocks by exiting from one and entering another.

Flatten ellipses


Flatten ellipses indicate the start and the end of a module. An ellipse uses the name of the module at the start. The end is indicated by the word end or stop for the top Control and the word exit for all other modules.



The rectangle indicates a processing block, for such things as calculations, opening and closing files, and so forth. A processing block has one entrance and one exit.



The parallelogram indicates input to and output from the computer memory. An IO block has one entrance and one exit.



The diamond indicates a decision. It has one entrance and two and only two exits from the block. One exit is the action when the resultant is TRUE and the other exit when the resultant is FALSE.

Rectangles with lines


Rectangles with lines down each side indicate the process of modules. The have one entrance and only one exit.

Flowchart sections


Flowchart sections can be connected with two different symbols. The circle connects sections on the same page, and the home base plate connects flowchart from page to page. Inside these two symbols the programmer writes letters or numbers inside the circle to indicate where the adjoining connector is located. On- and off-page connectors will have either an entrance of an exit.

C# Operators

operator1 operator2 operator3 operator4

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