[Ad-Oracle-Sql] 2. Views

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📋 This is my note-taking from what I learned in the class “Advanced Database Concepts”


  • Create a view by using CREATE VIEW command or the CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW command
  • Employ the FORCE and NOFORCE options
  • State the purpose of the WITH CHECK OPTION constraint
  • Explain the effect of the WITH READ ONLY option
  • Update a record in a simple view
  • Re-create a view
  • Explain the implication of an expression in a view for DML operations
  • Update a record in a complex view
  • Identify problems associated with adding records to a complex view
  • Identify the key-preserved table underlying a complex view
  • Drop a view
  • Explain inline views and the use of ROWNUM to perform a “TOP-N” analysis
  • Create a materialized view to replicate data


  • Permanent objects that store no data
  • Store a query
  • Two purposes
    • Reduce complex query requirements
    • Restrict users’ access to sensitive data

Types of Views

  • Simple view
    A view based upon a sub-query that only references one table and does not include any group functions, expressions, or a GROUP BY clause
  • Complex view
    A view based upon a sub-query that retrieves or derives data from one or more tables - and may also contain functions or grouped data
  • Inline view
    A sub-query used in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement to create a “temporary” table that can be referenced by the SELECT and WHERE clauses of the outer statement
  • Materialized view
    A view that replicates data by physically storing the results of the view query

Creating a View

  • You use the CREATE VIEW keywords to create a view
  • Use OR REPLACE if the view already exists
  • Use FORCE if the underlying table does not exist at the time of creation
  • Provide new column names if necessary
    viewname (columnname, ...)
  AS SELECT statement
  • WITH CHECK OPTION constraint - if used, prevents data changes that will make the data subsequently inaccessible to the view
  • WITH READ ONLY - prevents DML operations

Creating a Simple View

  • Only references one table - no group functions, GROUP BY clause, or expressions
CREATE VIEW inventory
  AS SELECT isbn, title, retail_price
      FROM books

DML Operations on a Simple View

  • Any DML operations are allowed through simple views unless created with WITH READ ONLY option
  • DML operations that violate constraints on the underlying table are not allowed

Creating a Complex View

  • A complex view may contain data from multiple tables or data created with the GROUP BY clause, functions, or expressions
  • Type of DML operations allowed depends on various factors
  AS SELECT isbn, title, cost, retail, retail-cost profit
      FROM books;

DML Operations on a Complex View with an Arithmetic Expression


DML Operations on a Complex View Containing Data from Multiple Tables

  • DML Operations cannot be performed on non-key-preserved tables, but they are permitted on key-preserved tables
  AS SELECT isbn, title, cost, retail, retail-cost profit, name
      FROM books JOIN publisher USING(pubid);

UPDATE prices
  SET name = 'PRINT IS US'
  WHERE title LIKE '%BEAR%';


DML Operations on a Complex View Containing Functions or Grouped Data

  • DML operations are not permitted if the view includes a group function or a GROUP BY clause
CREATE VIEW balancedue
  AS SELECT customer#, order#, SUM(quantity*retail) AS Amtdue
      FROM customers
            JOIN orders USING(customer#)
            JOIN orderitems USING(order#)
            JOIN books USING(isbn)
      GROUP BY customer#, order#;
DELETE FROM balancedue
  WHERE customer# = 1010;


DML Operations on a Complex View Containing DISTINCT or ROWNUM

  • DML operations on a view that contains the DISTINCT keyword or ROWNUM are not permitted

Dropping a View

  • Use DROP VIEW command
DROP VIEW prices;

-- DROP VIEW prices succeeded.

Creating an Inline View

  • An inline view is a temporary table created by using a sub-query in the FROM clause
  • It can only be referenced while the command is being executed
  • Most common usage - TOP-N analysis

TOP-N Analysis

  • ORDER BY included to identify top values:
    • Describing for highest values
    • Ascending for lowest values
  • Extract data based on ROWNUM
SELECT title, profit
  FROM (SELECT title, retail-cost profit
        FROM books
        ORDER BY retail-cost DESC)



  • Oracle 12c introduces a new row limiting clause (# rows)


  • Oracle 12c introduces a new row limiting clause (percent of rows)

Cross & Outer Apply Joins

  • A column of the joining table may be used to product the result set of the inline view
SELECT b.isbn, b.title, sales
  FROM books b CROSS APPLY (SELECT SUM(quantity*paideach) Sales
                      FROM orderitems o
                        WHERE b.isbn = o.isbn
                        GROUP BY b.isbn)
  ORDER BY b.title;


Materialized Views

  • Replicate data
  • Store data retrieved from view query
  • Referred to as “snapshots”
  AS SELECT customer#, city, state, order#, SUM(quantity*retail) AS Amtdue
      FROM customers JOIN orders USING(order#)
            JOIN orderitems USING(order#)
            JOIN books USING(isbn)
      GROUP BY customer#, city, state, order#;




  • A view is a temporary or virtual table that is used to retrieve data that exists in the underlying database tables
  • The view query must be executed each time the view is used
  • A view can be used to simplify queries or to restrict access to sensitive data
  • A view is created with the CREATE VIEW command
  • A view cannot be modified; to change a view, it must be dropped and then re-created, or the CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW command must be used
  • Any DML operation can be performed on a simple query if it does not violate a constraint
  • A view that contains expressions or functions, or that joins multiple tables, is considered a complex view
  • A complex view can be used to update only one table; the table must be a key-preserved table
  • Data cannot be added to a view column that contains an expression
  • DML operations are not permitted on non-key-preserved tables
  • DML operations are not permitted on views that include group functions, a GROUP BY clause, the ROWNUM pseudocolumn, or the DISTINCT keyword
  • Oracle 12c assigns a row number to every row in a table to indicate its position in the table; the row number can be referenced by the keyword ROWNUM
  • A view can be dropped with the DROPVIEW command; the data is not affected, because it exists in the original tables
  • An inline view can be used only by the current statement and can include an ORDER BY clause
  • “TOP-N” analysis uses the row number of sorted data to determine a range of top values
  • Materialized views physically store view query results

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